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Lomi Lomi Massage

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Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Lomi Massage in Malad


Lomi Lomi massage is a type of massage used in traditional Hawaiian medicine, and first became widely known in the 1970s when Hawaiian teachers began teaching it as part of massage therapy courses.

Unlike some other types of massage, Lomi Lomi massage does not focus on one body part at a time, but moves in long, flowing motions – often starting at the top of your shoulder and going all the way down to your foot. Wondering what the benefits of this type of massage are? Read on, and learn the basics from Elemental Massage.

1. Release Of Spiritual & Emotional Blockages

Lomi Lomi massage has an important spiritual component, and often involves a prayer before the session, and sometimes incorporates other rituals like music and chanting. It’s believed that the “loving hands” of a Lomi Lomi practitioner can help you relax and release spiritual and emotional blockages.

2. Relaxing & Stretching Muscles

Lomi Lomi massage is very effective at helping you relax and stretch your muscles, since it uses long, firm, deep strokes, often with the use of the forearms to provide a deep release of the muscle fascia.

3.Promoting Better Circulation

Like other types of massage, Lomi Lomi massage is thought to promote better blood circulation, since the motion of massaging and pressing down on the muscle tissue helps move blood throughout the body to where it’s needed the most. If you have poor circulation, Lomi Lomi massage may be a great option for you.
