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Deep Tissue Massage

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Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage in Malad


Are you someone who works out regularly but only occasionally, if at all, gets a massage? If so, you are doing your body, and your workouts, a disservice. Anyone who works out four or more times each week should really include a deep tissue massage every two weeks. If not, your muscles will be tight and your workouts will suffer.

In addition to missing out on the benefits of regular massage, most people don’t allow enough time for each massage session, especially if that massage is for deep tissue. A deep tissue massage is a longer process of getting the muscles to relax so the massage therapist can get to the lower layer of connective tissue.

The top three benefits of a deep tissue massage include:

1. Better workouts.
Relaxed, less stressed muscles will give you increased range of motion during your workouts. Your body will be far more efficient at building muscle and burning calories.

2. Relaxed state of mind.
Research has shown that massage helps lower levels of stress hormones while at the same time boosting those “feel good” neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins.

3. Better sleep.
Not only will regular massage help you feel good, you’ll also sleep better due to less pain and a boost in serotonin.
